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His invisible attributes are clearly seen

“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.” Romans 1:20-21

I have recently become enraptured by the idea of thinking that leads to God. I have often wondered, how is it really so hard to come to consensus about a Being that made the whole universe? There must be some way for me to find out for myself. And I have found it in the writings and thoughts of thinkers before, who reflect and explain the very cry of my heart which I have found hard to explain.

"Is it really that possible, that a God who made reality and everything in it, would make Himself so hard to find, that it would take a doctorate to explain His existence?"

I have come to the conclusion, that if there is an all-powerful creator, then we could only know Him through two scenarios: one, He reveals Himself; two, we will never find out. Yet, Man's ability to enter into this conversation itself is indicative of the existence of the first scenario.

In Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis raises a simple but effective analogy: suppose a man in a blue uniform comes down the street and leaves an identical small package at the door of every house, including my own. And say someone asks me what is in those packages, the only feasible and logical assumption to take is that the packages are the same as the one I received, and I only can open up the one I received. And in my package, I found a letter. That package that he was referring to is "Man", our own consciousness of our being.

His main point was about drawing out the thought process to deciding that there is a real moral law in our nature, and that moral law is a letter, or an influence, which reveals the existence of a law-giver.

Whatever the case, it is an extremely good read, but my point isn't to prove the existence of God. I already believe that. I'm just excited when I read and I hear humans draw out the heart of Man and the heart of God in their writings. That itself is a gift from God. What a marvelous and wonderful gift. Being able to expound and reveal a portion of the limitless Being to which our sole purpose in life hinges upon.

That being said, in my Bible, it says that "His invisible attributes are clearly seen"! Even an atheist has been given the common grace to "see" God. In fact, in a few verses before, the Word says that men "suppress the truth" that is manifested in them. This gives me hope! I always thought that logic must stand aside in light of faith, while that may be true in some sense, I also believe that my God is the God of Logic. Questions unanswered are not indicative of illogic, but indicative of a shortage of revelation.

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