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  • BeyondWithin

Songs of Ascending Thoughts #2: John 4

Like a kid fresh from the shower,

I dash into brilliant white robes.

Scents, so wonderful, fill up my senses.

The softness of embrace,

The firmness of Your arms,

The warmth in Your chest:

I feel You.

I place my head onto Your heart,

The deep rumbles of Your voice,

Gentle humming,

Whispers of love, affirmation, salvation;

You comfort me.

"Give me that living water, Father."

That water that You promised,

That water He will give to those who asked of Him,

That water from which a fountain will burst forth into everlasting life;

Is it a fountain of youth, or is it living water made available,

Available all the way through to eternity?

Truths too wonderful to be deciphered,

What does it matter to me?

It is enough for now, to know

That my thirst for You is real.

So I take up my unearned and undeserved gift,

I reach out and ask once more,

"O give me that drink, my Lord."

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