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  • BeyondWithin

You are afraid.

"You are afraid.

Afraid of not seeing Me in your world.

So you think you can hide in 'My world'. But don't you see?

I Am.

I have redeemed the world.

I Am.

The God of all,

And I want to bring you through this world,

This world that is passing into the next."

Can logic and spirit coexist?

I have been pondering about this for some time now. Not long enough to have a good grasp of the question itself. But here's my limited attempt at my current stage:

Logic seems to point out the material reality of this world: what can be and what should be. While musing on the routes one can take with logic, for the spirit, they always come down to one point. There comes a point where a leap must be taken. Some choose to take that leap into science, some take that leap into religion. Some even choose not to leap at all, some choose to study the leap, why/how/what, not choosing at all.

I have chosen that leap, but that is not that end of the journey. Here's to trying to document this journey, hopefully till its end.

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